Department management

Adding departments

  1. Log in to your Admin Console.
  2. In the left navigation, click Department management > Teams.
  3. In the left section of the page, click your company name, or an added team to create its subteams.
  4. In the right section of the page, click +Please click here to add a team.
  5. The input field is displayed.
  6. Enter the team name.
  7. In the same row of the input field, click Add.

Editing departments

  1. Log in to your Admin Console.
  2. In the left navigation, click Department management > Teams.
  3. In the left section of the page, click your company name, or an added team to create its sub-department.
  4. In the right section of the page, click Edit in the same row of the team.
  5. The input field is displayed.
  6. Modify the team name.
  7. In the same row of the input field, click Save.

Deleting departments

  1. Log in to your Admin Console.
  2. In the left navigation, click Department management > Teams.
  3. In the left section of the page, click your company name, or an added team to create its sub-department.
  4. In the right section of the page, click Delete in the same row of the team.
  5. In the confirmation pop-up window, click OK.
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